
Built upon the research

The Circles for Learning Project is based upon research that has highlighted the impact the 5 key areas can have on mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The 5 key areas are: the importance of relationships, emotional literacy, self-awareness, skills for learning, and how the brain affects our thoughts and behaviour on our mental health and wellbeing

As Circles for Learning developed a range of research has been undertaken to measure impact. This has included research looking at the impact on children and young people completing the project and on the staff who have undertaken the training and facilitated the project within their school for a year.

The research has clearly shown a positive impact in both class and small group projects in KS1, KS2, and KS3 both in mainstream and special educational schools (including Social and Emotional Health (SEMH) schools and severe learning difficulties schools).


Impact of the project

Circles for Learning has demonstrated positive impact on emotional literacy, self-awareness and self-esteem.

Within the whole school approach project an we found a:


69%increase inSELF-AWARENESS

The results showed a 74% increase in social skills.

Within the secondary research project we found a 41% increase in the children's self-esteem,

and a 46% increase in their self-awareness.

46% of children and young people who took part in demonstrated an increase in emotion literacy,

while 50% showed an increase in social skills.

The results showed a 57% increase in overall empathy.

Read more about the impacts of the project

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